Photos: Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation - Paris
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Entering the Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation, Paris, France. This monument is dedicated to the memory of the 200,000 individuals deported from France to German concentration camps during World War II. A view from the stairs that take you down into the memorial. The courtyard sculpture represents the imprisonment and torture of those deported during the Nazi Era. A closer view of the above-mentioned sculpture. A detail of the above-mentioned sculpture. A detail of the above-mentioned sculpture. Entrance into the interior part of the memorial, which contains several moving quotes about humanity and the suffering of those deported. "Pardonne, n'oublie pas..." meaning "Forgive and don't forget" - An inscription found over the entrance from the interior of the memorial. A quote by Jean Paul Sartre inscribed in one portion of the memorial. It translates to, "- And the choices that each one made of their life and themselves was authentic since it was done in the presence of death." Several similar inscriptions by various authors fill the interior walls of the memorial. The main installation of the memorial is a long, narrow corridor lined with small stones of quartz crystal. Each stone represents one of the 200,000 individuals deported from France to German concentration camps during World War II. The stairs to leave the memorial.
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